Monday, March 9, 2015

Tricks to Make Your Kitchen Appear Larger

Lack of square feet does not equal the death of your dream kitchen. Follow these tips to give the illusion of a larger and more efficient gourmet kitchen:

Let there be light is the first commandment of any small space, particularly kitchens. Inadequate lighting constricts the room resulting in a dark, dingy and depressing workplace - not exactly what you envision for the heartbeat of the home. So, be it natural or artificial, bring on the light! If your small space is graced with a window, maximize the natural light by minimizing window coverings.

Small tiles create too many visual borders on the floor, which can make a small room seem even smaller. When choosing the flooring for your wee-sized kitchen, opt for something bigger than the traditional 12-inch square. Larger tiles mean less grout giving the illusion of a greater floor area and a bigger kitchen.

When dealing with a small area, color plays an important role. You are best off sticking with a cohesive blend of whites, pastels and neutrals to keep the room open and airy. To add height and depth, play with the paint and keep the molding and ceiling a lighter shade of the same color as the wall. This creates an optical illusion, tricking the eyes into thinking the walls are further off then they actually are - viola (seemingly) more space!

If your kitchen is not as roomy as you would like, resist the impulse to try and cram everything in. There is nothing that kills a space faster than clutter. So, for an overall larger-feeling kitchen, keep the surface areas as clear as possible. Knick-knacks, small appliances, paper and dirty dishes have a way of making a small room feel smaller. Consider building a hidden alcove to house the smaller appliances you use daily. As for the rest of the stuff, clean up regularly.

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