Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Homeowner Advice: Get Ready for Fall!

Fall is just around the corner. To retain your home's best value, it's important to stay on top of projects and repairs, both large and small. Seasonal maintenance is a great way to be sure new issues are quickly addressed. Small repairs may seem insignificant, but letting them add up over time means an overwhelming list down the road. 

Take a personal inventory of repairs that need to be addressed. These could range from paver stones that need replaced in a patio to a large-scale roof replacement. Walk your home from top to bottom and make a list of issues. Look for paint that needs retouched, tiles that need grouted, loose or scuffed baseboards, broken screens, squeaky doors, and everything in-between.  Budget and prioritize what can be addressed now, what needs a professional to fix, and what needs to wait for available funds.

Be sure to address each of these issues each Fall:

  • Call the HVAC guy: Your unit has been working hard all Summer during this brutal heatwave. Now is a great time to service your unit before the hard work of Winter.
  • Check and clean chimney: Dirty chimneys cause hundreds of home fires every year. Be sure to have a professional clean and inspect your chimney each Fall.
  • Clean the gutters: It's not just about appearances, though clean gutters do look better. A clogged gutter system can back-up water on your roof and cause leaks.
  • Yard maintenance: Be sure to rake leaves and pick up downed limbs during Fall. Empty and put away flower pots. Address flower beds and put down new mulch for a clean appearance. 

  •  Fall is a great time to address the needs of your property...all in beautiful weather. Take an inventory of your home's needs and be sure to follow through with proper home maintenance. Your home's value will thank you.

    To list or sell a home, or to search for real estate in Ventura County, please visit or call 888-352-1652

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